Allies for Racial Equity Group

Here at the Prairie Campus, we are committed to doing the inner and outer work of becoming anti-racist. To help us on the journey we have formed an Allies for Racial Equity group that meets once a month for support, encouragement, challenge, learning, and advocacy work.

We usually meet by zoom on the second Sunday of the month from 7:30 to 9 pm. (But the schedule can vary.) We welcome newcomers who are interested in checking out the group!

To get the zoom, contact or Kymm Hockman. Please check out the MLK Sunday worship offerings below, created by the group. Also included here is a book review by one of our members. We plan on occasionally sharing here about the books we read individually and together as a group.

Also, click here for a list of anti-racism resources helpful on the journey of becoming anti-racist.


Book review of “The New Kid” by Jerry Kraft